Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 7: Afterwards

June 7, 2013: After the trip-Looking back through my pictures of corals, it’s clear that I learned quite a bit about identifying different species. I had never appreciated the diversity of corals before I had to really study them underwater. I can now identify at least 30 species of reef-building corals that live in the Florida Keys & Caribbean. It was fascinating & I am excited to continue to learn about corals in the keys over the next several weeks, where I will be helping complete the monitoring efforts in the upper & lower Florida Keys this summer. In four days of diving, I logged over 12 hours of bottom time. I also observed lots of interesting fish & watched a lot of interesting fish behavior. Whenever I think there’s nothing new to discover in this world, I go diving & I always see something new or learn something new. Often, I observe something that no one else has bothered to study before, and that makes all of the hard work worth it!

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